Nowadays many people are suffering from diabetes. Not only old people but also youth and children suffer from it. it is a metabolic syndrome. This is due to bad lifestyle and eating habits. However, diabetes cannot be eradicated from its roots. but it can be controlled with black sesame seeds.
Black Sesame Seeds: Nowadays many people are suffering from diabetes. Not only old people but also youth and children suffer from diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic syndrome. This is due to bad lifestyle and eating habits. However, diabetic cannot be eradicated from its roots. but it can be controlled.. Health experts say that diabetes makes our body hollow from the inside.
Due to this, many problems like high blood pressure and hair loss arise. However, health experts claim that diabetes can be controlled with black sesame seeds. There are many medicinal properties hidden in black sesame seeds. A person with high blood sugar should include black sesame seeds in their diet. Now let’s know how good black sesame is for diabetic patients.
Black Sesame
Black sesame seeds help control blood sugar. Black sesame is rich in protein. Additionally, black sesame contains pinoresinol. It’s a compound that helps regulate blood sugar by inhibiting the action of the digestive enzyme maltase.

How to eat black sesame seeds
Toasted Sesame Seeds: If your blood sugar is rising, start eating toasted black sesame seeds. This will improve the blood circulation in your body. Additionally, it lowers your blood sugar. Roasted black sesame seeds are best taken every morning on an empty stomach or at night before going to sleep.
Soak in water: If you don’t eat roasted black sesame seeds, you can soak them in water. For this, soak 1 spoon of black sesame seeds in water overnight. After this, eat black sesame seeds in the morning and drink their water. It also helps control blood sugar faster.
Remember this..
Black Sesame seeds are very good for health.. but one thing must be kept in mind.. if your blood sugar is bad then it is better to consult a good health professional immediately..