Government schools are diluted, will private schools win?
The changes are obvious if there are schools of the same type.
Free in the thoughts of parents has increased indifference.
It is not too far off to say that there used to be government schools!
Hyderabad (Chaithanyagalam): Just like there are many reasons for the death of Karna, there are many reasons why public education is far away from the poor day by day. It is a hard fact that everyone has to accept that the rulers, teachers, parents and society have played their roles and brought down the state of public education.
A lion’s share of the present employees and public representatives have studied in government schools. At that time, there were not as many schools as there are now. Even though he had illiterate parents at home, he studied with dedication because he knew the value of education and the value of a teacher, even though he walked a distance of kilometers and studied with meager facilities. Protected schools and raised their level.
The number of students was high as people from all walks of life in the village sent their children to the government school. The gentlemen of the village used to contribute in strengthening the schools. And today 90 percent of children from backward communities are studying. The public representatives of the village come to school when there is government work, but they do not come forward to strengthen public education. Society can be said to be one of the reasons for the decline of government schools.
Isn’t it irresponsible of the governments who have commercialized education by allowing private schools in the streets even though they have a reason? Is it not like the government trying to show the society that teachers are the reason for the closure of public schools without considering the conditions to be followed in order to give permission to a private school?
Where did the right to teach books of the owners’ choice in primary classes in government recognized schools come from? The curriculum taught in government schools is different, and children of the same age studying in the same class, if a government student studies one curriculum and a private student study another curriculum, how can the students of any two schools have the same level of standards.
That is why the society and the rulers notice that the children have to move from that school to this school and from this school to another school after the beginning of the academic year, or when teaching the same curriculum in public and private schools from the 6th standard, is it not a good business not to have the same curriculum for all even at the primary level?
The main reason why students join a private school despite having unqualified (somewhere just ssc) teachers is because of having a class teacher and easy, simple, attractive books.
One reason is the failure of governments to provide a scientific balance to all these.

★ As for the teachers, some officials and public representatives are giving attention to them because some teachers ignore the ethics of work and do not pay as much attention to their own work and business in educating students as they do not have students in schools. On the one hand, there are parents who are sending the students to private schools and gurukuls the next year without proper recognition for those who have trained them well who are working with commitment.
★ In the name of Prabhutvalemo Kulaniko Gurukulam, the establishment of Gurukulams in the name of the government and enrolling even the children who have scored 20 marks, parents have stopped expecting quality education from the government and have become enslaved to what the government says, such as egg, food, chicken, etc. The reason can be said.
★ If the educators take a look at the NAS (National achievement survey) exam paper conducted by the central government to know the educational standards of the students across the country, it will be understood what is the flaw in our curriculum. As said in the beginning, there are few reasons for Karna’s death, but there are many reasons for our government schools to disappear.
Even though 90 percent of parents have studied at least 10th standard, their children are in a situation where they cannot spend at least an hour near home, so they think about when to send them to school. Is shipping really necessary? After sending the pony, will they get quality education and food? Not thinking that. It can also be attributed to the fact that the society that once considered parents who put their children in hostels as poor, today sees it as a status symbol.